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QUESTION EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT – A Registered Dietician’s Letter to the ADA

Journey fans, you are in for an amazing post.  There are far more intelligent folks than I out there doing countless hours of research and questioning everything we have been taught, and when I happen to come across them in my interactions, I am in awe with their knowledge and wisdom they share so freely.  What you are about to read is some of the best research and challenges to a system of lies you will see in one post (In my opinion).

I was browsing around in one of my groups and came across a note posted by a friend, and I was absolutely blown away at the amount of research this amazing woman did to challenge the system of bogus information that has been purported to us since the “lipid hypothesis” has been pushed on us.  Most everyone who has adopted a real food/ancestral eating approach has known about the lies of conventional wisdom, and have read several of these studies at different times, but never have I seen so much research in one single post countering the conventional system.  This amount of info may be lost on some, but if you at all care about your health, and wish to see what true research can lead to, please read, digest and share this post so that everyone can learn the truth!!

I want to thank you Annette Presley for your bravery in challenging the system of lies, for allowing your amazing letter and research to be shared, and for your dedication to the health of us all!!


The paper I sent to the American Dietetic Association

By Annette Hunsberger Presley in Healthy Nation Coalition

Thank you for this opportunity to delve into the science behind hyperlipidemia and its effect on health.  The advice we give the American public will affect their longevity and quality of life and, therefore, I believe we need to be diligent in seeking the facts about cholesterol, saturated fat, and heart disease so that our advice reflects the most up-to-date and accurate science.

From the Evidence Analysis Library, I was able to obtain the following facts: 1) Saturated fat raises both LDL and HDL so it appears not to have a deleterious effect on the Total cholesterol/HDL ratio; 2) There is no evidence to support or not support a high carbohydrate diet or a high fat diet in the treatment of elevated triglycerides; 3) Polyunsaturated fats lower LDL cholesterol; 4) Fiber lowers LDL cholesterol; 5) Omega-3 fats lower LDL cholesterol; and 6) Trans fat raise both LDL and HDL and is, therefore, worse than saturated fat in its effects on cholesterol.

(NOTE there is a typo in this first paragraph.  Annette has corrected this and the response from the comments is here)

The Evidence Analysis Library (EAL) is a compilation of research available to members of the American Dietetic Association (now called the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). The AND found me guilty of violating 3 ethics and asked me to do an educational intervention. I was supposed to go on the EAL, research LDL cholesterol and explain why I was going to go back to recommending vegetable oils instead of animal fats. The EAL does not contain all the research there is, and it is quite obviously biased in it’s interpretations of research, but that is the information I was told to use, so I did, but instead of writing the paper they asked for, I wrote one that demonstrated there was no science to back up our fear of saturated fat and cholesterol.

The facts I got from the EAL, I do not dispute. It is true that fiber and omega-3 fats lower LDL. It is true that saturated fat raises both HDL and LDL and it is true that trans fat raises LDL. What was not available on the EAL is why any of these facts make a difference to our health or why we need to have a cholesterol level under 200 in order to be healthy. There needs to be some evidence that lowering LDL or raising HDL prevents disease and evidence that shows a relationship between cholesterol levels and disease. None of that ‘evidence’ was available on the EAL.

Yes, that is a mistake which was not in my original letter, so I must have done some editing and edited in the wrong place. Sorry for the confusion.

The above facts are all well and good, but I was unable to find any science connecting blood cholesterol levels to heart disease or the lowering of blood cholesterol to the prevention of heart disease.  I also did not find any discussion on the effects of LDL particle size (even though this has been a significant focus in cholesterol research since the 1980s) in the prevention or causation of heart disease.  I think it is essential to have these questions addressed.  After all, why are we trying to lower cholesterol?  We need to have sound science behind the why in order to be truly science-based and in order to be sure that we are giving out the right advice.

Because my questions were not addressed in the Evidence Analysis Library, I also read The Cholesterol Wars: The skeptics vs. the preponderance of evidence by Daniel Steinberg, a supporter of the lipid hypothesis, and The Great Cholesterol Con: Why everything you’ve been told about cholesterol, diet and heart disease is wrong! by Anthony Colpo.  After reading these books, I have a good idea of the beliefs on both sides of the cholesterol question and I believe both sides have some merit.

What is the lipid hypothesis?  According to Daniel Steinberg, the lipid hypothesis “postulates that hypercholesterolemia is a major causative factor in atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.”  The hypothesis “relates to blood lipids, not dietary lipids, as the putative directly causative factor.”

Others interpret the lipid hypothesis as “saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet raise blood cholesterol levels which leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease.”  There are two factors to consider:  A blood lipid-heart relationship and a diet-heart relationship.  There are actually two different hypotheses, the lipid hypothesis and the diet-heart hypothesis.  What evidence do we have to support either of these two hypotheses?

  1. Autopsy evidence

In 1936, Landé and Sperry autopsied 123 individuals ranging in age from eleven to eighty and wrote, “No relationship was evident, and it is concluded that the incidence and severity of atherosclerosis are not directly affected by the level of cholesterol in the blood serum per se.” (1)

In 1961, an Indian study also showed no correlation between serum cholesterol levels and the amount or severity of atherosclerosis (2).  Autopsies conducted on war veterans in 1963 showed no correlation between serum cholesterol and atherosclerosis and even found that those with blood clots and other features of CHD had lower mean cholesterol levels than those who did not have any CHD features (3).

The 1968 International Atherosclerosis Project examined plaques in the arteries of 22,000 corpses in 14 nations and found that populations in all parts of the world had the same degree of atheroma whether they were meat eaters or vegetarians or whether they suffered a great deal of heart disease or very little to no heart disease (4).

A few studies have claimed a relationship between serum cholesterol and atherosclerosis, but the best correlation coefficient was only 0.36 which is rather weak and certainly would not support any claims of ‘significant’ association (5-8).

Autopsy studies do not appear to support the blood lipid-heart hypothesis, instead pointing to atherosclerosis as a normal, unavoidable process.  Also, the degree of plaque build-up does not appear to be related to the incidence of heart disease.  We cannot prove or disprove a diet-heart relationship with autopsy studies since we do not have adequate data on what these people ate.

  1. Animal evidence

Nikolai Anitschkow (9) fed rabbits a high cholesterol diet and found that they developed atherosclerosis similar to that found in humans, but they also developed plaque in organs and other tissues, unlike humans, probably due to the fact that rabbits are herbivores and do not have any way to process cholesterol.  Feeding cholesterol to rabbits also raises blood cholesterol levels to an astronomically high level not seen in humans.  Studies on other mostly herbivorous animals such as guinea pigs, chickens, goats and parrots also showed plaque build up with cholesterol feeding.

Carnivorous animals, on the other hand, do not respond the same as herbivores to cholesterol feeding.  Dogs can take in a large quantity of cholesterol without developing plaque or high blood cholesterol levels, but they will suffer elevated blood cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis if the thyroid is removed or suppressed with medication (10).  Several studies also showed that rabbits fed high cholesterol diets along with iodine or thyroid gland did not develop atherosclerosis (11, 12).

When rabbits develop atherosclerosis, their plaques never rupture and they don’t get heart attacks like humans.  Many other animals are the same way and it may be due to the fact that rabbits and other animals make their own vitamin C, whereas humans do not.  The balance between collagen degradation and collagen synthesis is one of the main determinants of plaque rupture (13) and vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen.

Animal studies, alone, are unable to prove or disprove anything for humans due to differences in physiology, but, they can provide some data that may be useful to look at in humans.   Animal studies do show that elevated cholesterol levels in the blood produce atherosclerosis, and we also know that people with familial hypercholesterolemia have elevated blood cholesterol levels and a higher rate of heart disease.  What animal studies can’t tell us is what causes the elevated cholesterol in humans, whether it is the mere presence of elevated cholesterol in the blood stream or the combination of elevated cholesterol and some other factor such as iodine or vitamin C deficiency that causes atherosclerosis or whether there is something entirely different going on that may be the cause.

  1. Epidemiological studies:

We have Ancel Key’s Seven Countries Study (14) where he picked seven countries and plotted on a graph mean cholesterol levels for each country and the number of coronary deaths in that country.  He was able to show that Japan, which had the lowest cholesterol levels, also had the lowest rates of coronary death while Finland, with the highest cholesterol levels, had the highest rate of coronary death.  The other five countries fit neatly in a line on this graph.  The rate of coronary death appeared to relate to the level of blood cholesterol.  The countries with higher rates of heart disease also had higher saturated fat intake.

There are several problems with this study.  At the time, data was available for 22 countries and if all 22 countries are put on the graph, there is no correlation between blood cholesterol levels and coronary death.  In fact, if Keys had chosen to use Finland, Israel, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France and Sweden instead of Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Finland, USA and Japan, he would have shown the exact opposite effect; the higher the blood cholesterol levels, the lower the incidence of coronary death.  Researchers also found a significant difference in iodine intake between Eastern and Western Finland with no significant difference in saturated fat or cholesterol intake.  Eastern Finland had higher rates of heart disease and lower iodine intake (15).

I don’t believe we can use this study to support the lipid hypothesis or the diet-heart hypothesis as it is so clearly biased and manipulated.  A study like this would never be taken seriously by today’s scientific standards and there is good evidence that it is not blood cholesterol or saturated fat that is the issue.  Inadequate iodine intake is associated with CHD.  The Japanese diet happens to be high in iodine, so is it the iodine that offers protection, the low saturated fat diet, or some other factor?

We also have the Japanese migration studies (16) where the Japanese from native Honshu were compared to Japanese who had migrated to Hawaii and San Francisco.  The results showed higher cholesterol levels in the Japanese from Hawaii and San Francisco as well as higher rates of heart disease.  The assumption is that a higher saturated fat diet was the cause of the elevated cholesterol, but in a follow-up study (17), one of the researchers, Dr. Marmot, found that the Japanese Americans who retained their traditional culture, but ate higher fat American foods were much better protected from heart disease than the Japanese Americans who adopted the American lifestyle but ate the lower fat Japanese diet.

The Japanese migration studies seem to indicate that it is not saturated fat or elevated cholesterol levels, but lack of social ties that increase heart disease risk.  While the Japanese enjoy the longest average life expectancy in the world, they got to that point while increasing saturated fat intake.  Life expectancy in Sweden is only 2 months shy of life expectancy in Japan, yet the Swedes have a high saturated fat intake (18).

Daniel Steinberg claims that The Framingham study “provided the first solid and unarguable evidence that individuals with higher blood cholesterol levels at the time of the baseline examination were more likely to experience a myocardial infarction in the subsequent years of follow-up.”  Researchers found that elevated baseline cholesterol was associated with increased mortality in people under 50, but found no relationship between cholesterol and CVD in those over 50. Researchers also had to admit; “There is a direct association between falling cholesterol levels over the first 14 years and mortality over the following 18 years…”  The study found that for every 1mg/dl per year drop in cholesterol levels during the first 14 years, there was a 14% increase in CVD and an 11% increase in overall mortality during the subsequent 18 years (19).  However, this fact was reported as, “a 1% reduction in cholesterol corresponds to a 2% reduction in CHD risk.” (20)

If we look at the facts from Framingham, we find an association between cholesterol levels taken at baseline and myocardial infarction years later in people under 50.  We also find that lowering cholesterol levels increases the risk of all cause mortality and heart disease.  What we don’t know is 1) why a high baseline cholesterol level appears to increase the risk for heart disease as opposed to high cholesterol later on; 2) what other factors were present that might contribute to heart disease; or 3) whether the people with high initial cholesterol died because they tried to lower their cholesterol.  From Framingham, it does not appear that lowering cholesterol is beneficial.

Professor John Yudkin analyzed data from 15 countries and found extreme variations in heart disease and fat intake.  Some countries with high fat intakes had low rates of heart disease, while other countries with identical fat intake had very different rates of heart disease.  Yudkin examined more than dietary fat; he also included fat as a percentage of calories, different types of fat, carbohydrates and protein in his analysis and found that sugar intake showed the strongest association with CHD (21).  Yudkin also found higher rates of CHD in countries with the most TV, radio and car ownership.

The Pukapuka and Tokelau people in the South Pacific have a high saturated fat diet due to coconut intake, but researchers note a complete lack of CVD in these populations despite an average blood cholesterol level of 240 mg/dl in Tokelau (22).

The Masai in Africa live on fat-rich milk, meat and blood with an average intake of 300 grams of animal fat daily.  Professor George Mann found the Masai to be slim and fit and virtually free of heart disease (23) and despite their very high saturated fat intake, most of them had blood cholesterol levels below 160 mg/dl (24).

Of twenty-five prospective studies examining a link between saturated fat and CHD between 1963 and 2005, six (25-30) found an increased risk of CHD with saturated fat intake, though in two of the studies (29, 30), after adjusting for confounders, such as age and smoking, there was no significant association between saturated fat intake and incidence of CHD.  The other nineteen (31-49) studies found no link between CHD and saturated fat.  If we take a close look at the four (25-28) that found a connection, one would increase their risk for heart attack by increasing their saturated fat intake by a mere 0.5 to 1.7 percent of calories.  On a 2000 calorie diet, that amounts to 1.1 to 3.8 grams of saturated fat.  In the Honolulu Heart Program, the difference between saturated fat intake between those who remained free from CHD and those who died of a heart attack was only half of one gram.

I don’t believe we are being scientifically objective if we believe that the microscopic differences in saturated fat intake in a few studies is proof of the lipid hypothesis or the diet-heart hypothesis.  Not only is that quite a stretch to believe, but we would also have to ignore nineteen studies that showed no association between saturated fat and CHD.

Epidemiological studies, of course, cannot prove causation, only association, and many of these studies measured more than one dietary component, so we can’t be sure which dietary component was more significant.  But, the epidemiological evidence does not appear to support either the lipid hypothesis or the diet-heart hypothesis, unless the dietary component is sugar or, perhaps, a lack of iodine or unless we are to believe that 1 to 4 grams of extra saturated fat per day is the difference between life and death.

  1. Dietary Intervention Trials

Out of seventeen trials (50-66) conducted between 1946 and 2006; there are six trials (50, 53, 59, 60, 64, and 65) that found a statistically significant mortality benefit with intervention.

Morrison (50) placed 50 heart attack patients on a low-fat, high protein diet with supplemental calcium, phosphorus, wheat germ and brewer’s yeast (treatment group).  Another 50 patients were on their typical diet (control group).  At the end of the study, thirty-eight patients in the control group had died compared to twenty-two in the treatment group.  The problem here is that multiple interventions were used.  Was it the low-fat diet, the high protein diet, the calcium, or B-vitamin containing brewer’s yeast or a combination of all of them or several of them that were responsible for the results?  We don’t know, so we cannot say with certainty that it was the low-fat diet.

Hood et. al. (53) conducted a non-randomized, non-blinded trial with 460 patients.  The dietary intervention group was put on a low saturated fat, high polyunsaturated fat diet and received close medical supervision whereas the control group was not supervised at all.  The researchers found a significant decrease in total mortality in the intervention group, but the control group had a significantly higher number of high-risk, CHD-prone patients.  This study clearly has some serious flaws.  Was the higher death rate in the control group due to the lack of medical supervision, the diet or the fact that more people prone to CHD were in this group?

The Oslo Diet Heart Study (59) randomized over 400 men to a diet or control group.  The diet group lowered saturated fat and margarine intake and ate a high polyunsaturated fat diet.  They experienced a significant reduction in blood cholesterol, CHD incidence and mortality, so this would appear to support the lipid hypothesis and the diet-heart hypothesis.  However, those in the diet group were also told to increase nut, fruit and vegetable intake which would increase antioxidants and other cardio-protective nutrients.  In addition, the men in the diet group were told to eat more fish and were supplied with sardines canned in cod liver oil.  Fish has been shown to be cardio-protective and cod liver oil contains vitamin D which is now being recognized as an important nutrient for heart health.  The diet group did contain more hypertensive men, but the control group had more overweight men and more men over the age of sixty.  Though both groups started out with the same number of smokers, the control group ended up with significantly more heavy smokers.  I don’t believe we can objectively state that a decrease in saturated fat is responsible for the lowered CHD incidence and mortality.  It could be the sardines in cod liver oil, the increase in nut, fruits or vegetables or the decrease in trans fat.  There are too many variables to single out one as “the” culprit.

The Finnish Heart Study (60) was very poorly designed and received a lot of criticism.  Patients in two different hospitals were studied.  For six years, hospital K received a high polyunsaturated diet and hospital N received their normal diet and then it was reversed.  Patients were included in the study even if they were admitted for a month or if they were discharged and readmitted a year later.  The study was also not randomized or blinded.  A significantly lower number of CHD deaths were found in those on the experimental diet, though in women, it was only significant for those in hospital N.  Because of the poor design, we could hardly use this study as proof positive of the lipid hypothesis or the diet-heart hypothesis.

The STARS trial (64) involved sixty people.  Half were told to lower intake of saturated fat, vegetable oils, margarine and refined carbohydrate-rich junk foods.  They were to limit meat, fish and dairy products and increase fruit, vegetable and complex carbohydrate intake.  The treatment group did have higher DHA levels indicating that not all of them decreased their fish intake as instructed.  At the end of the study, there was 1 death in the treatment group and 3 deaths in the control group and 10 treatment subjects had widening of the arteries compared to only one in the control group.  This study is used to declare decisive proof that saturated fat and trans fat cause coronary occlusion.  Again, the problem is that the treatment diet involved several different variables, so we cannot objectively say that saturated fat was the culprit.  It may have been the decrease in refined carbohydrate or trans fat or the increase in fruit and vegetable intake or a combination of the above.  The prescribed diet, which included lowering saturated fat, worked, but was it because of the lowered saturated fat intake?  We can’t answer that question, scientifically.

The Lion Diet Heart Study (65) randomly assigned 605 recent heart attack patients to one of two groups.  The control group did not receive any specialized dietary instruction other than what may have been given by their physician or hospital dietitian.  Those in the treatment group were advised to eat a Mediterranean type diet with increased vegetables, bread and fish.  Chicken was to replace red meat, olive oil or a high omega-3 fat canola oil based margarine was to replace butter.  Fruit was to be eaten daily.  The study was cut short at twenty-seven months because CHD was slashed by 81% and total mortality by 60% in the treatment group.  However, the differences between the treatment and control group could not be explained by blood cholesterol levels since both groups had identical total cholesterol and LDL-C levels during the entire study.  This study would not support the lipid hypothesis since blood cholesterol levels were the same in both groups.  Nor does it support the diet-heart hypothesis, as once again, there are too many dietary variables to declare with certainty that it was the lowering of saturated fat that caused the favorable results.

Rose et. al. (51) compared the effect of corn oil, olive oil and saturated fat on CHD.  The corn oil group had significantly increased CHD incidents, deaths and total deaths despite the fact that they had a lower blood cholesterol level than the saturated fat group.  The olive oil group didn’t do much better than the corn oil group.  Those in the saturated fat group lived the longest.

The DART trial (63) had three different groups; a group that ate more fish, one that lowered fat intake while increasing the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fat and a group that ate more cereal fiber.  They found no mortality change in the low-fat group, a slight increase in mortality in the fiber group and a significantly lowered mortality in the fish group, despite the fact that blood cholesterol levels went up in the fish group.

Recently, the Women’s Health Initiative (66) showed no benefit to lowering total fat or saturated fat in the diet in preventing heart disease.  In fact, those with existing heart disease were at increased risk for events on the lower fat diet.

The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) (67) tested several variables such as a low fat diet, smoking, exercise and blood pressure on heart disease risk but was unable to find any significant decrease in coronary artery disease.  Steinberg points out that the difference in cholesterol levels between the control and test group was only 2%, so there wasn’t enough cholesterol lowering in the test group to make a difference.  To me, this would indicate that saturated fat and cholesterol intake does not significantly raise blood cholesterol levels and a low fat, low cholesterol diet doesn’t significantly lower blood cholesterol levels and therefore does not support a diet-heart hypothesis.  Since the difference in cholesterol levels was minor, it is possible that lowering cholesterol further may provide protection, so we can’t say with certainty that MRFIT does not support the lipid hypothesis, but MRFIT clearly does not support a diet-heart relationship.

The most widely used study to prove the lipid hypothesis is the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (LRCCPPT) (68, 69).  Both the treatment and control groups were put on a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet and instructed on that diet by a dietitian.  The treatment group also received a cholesterol reducing drug.  The trial participants were all middle aged men with cholesterol levels higher than 95% of the population (they all, most likely, suffered from familial hypercholesterolemia).  The treatment group experienced 19% fewer CHD events than the control group which was barely significant.  Both non-fatal and fatal coronary events had to be added together to get a barely significant finding.  Taken separately, there is no significant difference between the treatment and control groups.  The original design of the study was to use the more stringent significance level of .01 as opposed to the normal .05 because they wanted to make sure there was a real difference.  They ended up using the less stringent .05 level because they could not find any significant differences with the .01 level.  But just for argument sake, lets say this study offers proof of the lipid hypothesis.  What about all the other studies that don’t show any proof and in fact contradict it?  We cannot objectively use one study that shows a barely significant result in people with a genetic defect as proof positive.  This study also does not prove the diet-heart hypothesis since both groups were put on the exact same diet.  We cannot make any objective statements about diet from this study.

In 2006, after examining all the available clinical evidence, Hayward et. al. reported that,”…current clinical evidence does not demonstrate that titrating lipid therapy to achieve proposed low LDL cholesterol levels is beneficial or safe.”(70)

Overall, the dietary intervention trials do not support the diet-heart hypothesis.  There are more studies showing no correlation between saturated fat and cholesterol intake and heart disease than studies showing a correlation and several studies show a health benefit for saturated fat intake. Those that do show a correlation are flawed or contain too many variables to give us any definite answers.  I do not see how we can objectively or scientifically reject the numerous negative studies to support the few positive studies.  The evidence is, at best, extremely weak to support the advice to lower saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet.

The lipid hypothesis is another matter.  I do believe enough evidence exists from the above data and from studying people with familial hypercholesterolemia to look at blood cholesterol a little more thoroughly.  What we don’t know, at this point, is to what extent blood cholesterol matters or if it is solely blood cholesterol or a combination of factors that present health problems.  So far, simply lowering blood cholesterol levels has not produced significant results across the board, so maybe we need to do something in addition to lowering cholesterol, or something else entirely.

We know that people with familial hypercholesterolemia have higher rates of heart disease.  We also now know that they have a defective LDL receptor gene so that they have difficulty getting cholesterol from the blood into the cells.  That is why they have higher than average blood cholesterol levels.

Statin trials have shown that coronary events are reduced even if LDL is not lowered (71-76).  In the PROSPER trial, those with the highest LDL cholesterol levels lived the longest (77).  In the Japanese Lipid Intervention Trial, the highest death rate was seen among those with cholesterol levels below 160 mg/dl.  The lowest overall mortality rate was seen in those who had blood cholesterol levels between 200-259 mg/dl and LDL between 120-159 mg/dl.  In humans, 20 mg/day for 9 days of atorvastatin administration reduced oxidized LDL, but did not reduce blood levels of LDL (78).

Based on the evidence, statins appear to exert a positive effect on CHD through some other mechanism besides cholesterol lowering which would imply that the lipid hypothesis is incorrect in its present form.  It appears that the presence of oxidized LDL is more important than the amount of cholesterol in the blood.  Steinberg also points out very clearly in chapter 5 of his book that it is oxidized LDL that leads to atherosclerosis.  When cholesterol cannot make it into the cells, it has to “wait” in the blood stream.  While “waiting” it is exposed to free radical damage which changes native LDL (large, fluffy particles) into oxidized LDL (small, dense particles).  References 79 through 83 explain the development of and atherogenic properties of oxidized LDL.  What we need to do is find a way to get cholesterol into the cells and a way to prevent LDL from becoming oxidized.

Are there dietary measures we can take to prevent LDL from becoming oxidized?

The component of LDL that is the most likely to become oxidized is the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).  LDL from people who consume more PUFA from vegetable and fish oils oxidizes more easily and vitamin E does not help to minimize that oxidation (84).  It is the linoleic acid component of oxidized LDL that leads to atherogenesis (85).  A 2004 study by Mozaffarian et. al. showed that postmenopausal women who ate more PUFA, had worsening atherosclerosis over time, but for those who ate more saturated fat, the less their atherosclerosis progressed.  In the highest intake of saturated fat, atherosclerosis actually reversed over time (86). Herron et. al., in 2004, noted that a high cholesterol diet protects LDL from becoming oxidized (87) and yet another study showed egg consumption to be protective of LDL (88).  Milk fat has also been shown to be negatively associated with CVD (89, 90).  Polyunsaturated fats have also been shown to increase cancer risk (91-93) and to play a role in acute respiratory distress syndrome (94).  Antioxidants have been shown to protect LDL from oxidation (95-96).

After all this research, I have come to the conclusion that both proponents and adversaries of the lipid hypothesis have blind spots.  Proponents have recognized the role oxidized LDL plays in atherogenesis and the role the LDL receptor gene plays in getting cholesterol into the cells, but still insist that we should control cholesterol production to reduce the amount in the blood.  They still insist on lowering LDL even though studies show it is not the amount of LDL but the amount of oxidized LDL that is the problem.  They insist on a low saturated fat and cholesterol diet even though they admit that diet does not play a role in the lipid hypothesis. Adversaries of the lipid hypothesis insist that cholesterol does not play a role in heart disease, despite evidence that oxidized LDL promotes atherosclerosis.

It appears to me that we may be doing more harm than good in recommending a diet high in vegetable oils and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.  After all, we developed heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity while decreasing saturated fat intake and increasing vegetable oil intake.  It seems ridiculous to blame a fat that has been around for thousands of years for diseases that have only been around for the past 100 years.  Vegetable oils have also only been used in the past 100 years.  The currently accepted low-fat, food-guide-pyramid diet may be causing the very disease we are prescribing the diet to prevent.  Based on the evidence, I cannot with a clear conscious recommend a diet high in vegetable oils and low in saturated fat.  There is just no good science to support that recommendation and a good deal of science that would contradict that recommendation.  I believe it is more important to be scientifically correct than politically correct.  And politics has played a more significant role than science in our dietary recommendations whether we choose to believe that or not.

Dietitians are promoted as “the nutrition expert.”  How can we possibly make that claim if we do not abide by what the science actually says?  How can we claim to be science-based when we ignore every piece of science that contradicts the view we want to take?  Our view should be based on the actual science, not the politics behind the science.  The science that has come out in the last twenty to thirty years clearly contradicts the diet-heart hypothesis and the lipid hypothesis in its present form.  So, trying to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol is a waste of time because it does nothing to prevent LDL from becoming oxidized and, therefore, is not helpful in preventing atherosclerosis.

Based on all the evidence so far, I believe the following:

  1. There is no scientific support for the diet-heart hypothesis, the belief that saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet cause atherosclerosis and heart disease.
  2. The lipid hypothesis is not true in its present form.  It is not the amount of cholesterol in the blood that matters, but the amount of oxidized LDL, so I would support the oxidized lipid hypothesis.
  3. I support diet recommendations that prevent the oxidation of LDL.
    1. Reduction of PUFA intake
    2. Increase in cholesterol and saturated fat intake
    3. Increase in antioxidant intake
  4. I support looking into ways to increase LDL receptor function.  A recent study shows that curcurmin may be beneficial here (97) and thyroid hormone and iodine may play a role as well.




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Imagine What Could Be Possible If People Quit Believing The Lies!!!

Hello Journey Fans.

As I sit here watching a baseball game on TV conversing with my friends in the IPMG Group on Facebook, I am reflecting back on a response to a post on a very popular weight loss TV show page.  I have had several friends share my post, and I realized that I must share it with all of you too as I hope that you can share it with your friends, family, and co-workers in an effort to get the word out about getting out of the “DIET” mentality, and embark on a “LIFESTYLE” change to just eating REAL FOOD!! That’s really all this is about.

I will not link that TV show page on my blog, as I find it just very sad now to what they do to these people, as they are just trying to find the fattest humans on the planet to put them through ridiculous amounts of working out and eating such crappy commercialized processed packaged nasty food, low fat, high carb, cooking GMO veggies using GMO hydrogenated oils and calling it all “heart healthy”!! It makes my stomach turn.  If you happen to be on Facebook and go to that page, it’s not hard to find the post near the top of the page about “Canola Oil”  There were several people in that post arguing how great it was, and several of us IPMG members posted many links showing what a poison it was, and that it was originally used for a biodiesel fuel.  One woman in particular made several comments, kept saying that it was fine as long as it was “COLD PRESSED” (which is garbage) and we all countered her points, and finally she just got tired of it, and she deleted every single one of her comments, at least 10 in all.  So the thread reads a little weird, but you can see that it’s amazing that when some people clearly are outclassed and out info’d they tuck tail and run.

All we wish to do is help folks do some research.  To not believe all the lies we’ve been fed, and to realize that everything the government has created with regards to our food system is just PLAIN WRONG! It doesn’t work, it has made us the fattest country in the world, it has made us more sick and diseased than at any time in the history of our existence, and that they should stay out of our homes, our farms, our lives, and just let people GROW FOOD and RAISE ANIMALS the way that NATURE does!!

(BACKGROUND) Someone in the thread posted a link to their website (for a diet plan/supplement site/expensive garbage) and said do this and you’ll have “no regrets.”

My response from there…
(name) we have no regrets…except perhaps we didn’t start or know about this lifestyle 5, 10, 15 years ago!!! This isn’t a diet in the sense of the context of what this page, and what you all know and have yoyo’d with your entire life just like I did, and others have. 

This is a lifestyle!! A way of eating real food that you will do for the rest of your life…Never starving yourself, never depriving yourself of good food, and it will be the only way you WANT to eat for the rest of your life!! If you truly want change and stop the “dieting” roller coaster then you will change your life forever!! 

I watch the BL for years, and what the folks have done on the show has been nothing short of incredible, but this way is NOT SUSTAINABLE! Just look at past winners who have gained all the weight back because of their ADDICTIONS to crap food that you all think is “healthy”. 

We put the emphasis on QUALITY REAL WHOLE FOOD. We take pride in finding a local farm source for meats, and vegetables, and fruits, eggs, and pride ourselves in “not living out of a box” or a “fast food” restaurant. Because it’s the corporations, and the subsidized grain industries that make all your “diet products” filled with chemicals, and soy, and canola/vegetable/seed/hydrogenated/disgusting waste products that you ingest everyday because it says “heart healthy fat” on the label. 

Real food has no label!! We take the time to research and know what we put in our bodies. If everyone would stop using “convenience” as an excuse to eat crap, imagine how much we could put into our system to change the thinking instead of becoming more sick and diseased as this nation has become. 

There are cures for cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and hundreds of other so called “incurable” or you’ll have this the rest of your life ailments that you can ELIMINATE WITH FOOD!! Until I embarked on this lifestyle over a year ago, I was just like you all…looking for the quick fix, looking for the answer, looking for the way. Well I’m here to tell you, I found the way and I have no product, pill, shake, or secret that I will make you pay for. I, and many others will freely help you and guide you at no cost for info, and if you take the time to invest in yourself, you will see that what I say is TRUTH. You have to trust yourself, and we have a support network of folks, and a movement of people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. You trusting a system that doesn’t care one bit about your being healthy is what is killing millions, and prolonging life with pills, procedures, and a cycle of lies that you all buy into every single day. 

Here are some free sites with tons of info and links that you can use every day for guidance and help should you decide to invest in your “true health” Meats, eggs, saturated fats from pasture raised animals, coconut products, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, veggies, fruits, nuts. These foods are all you NEED to thrive and live a very healthy and happy life. Obviously if you have allergic to things like eggs or nuts, just don’t eat those. It’s all about quality!! Know where your food comes from!

You want a success story, here ya go. I know this man, speak to him almost daily, and he is REAL. He is one of the finest humans on this planet, and I am proud to call him friend even though we have never met in person.

Animals, Plants, Water…it’s not hard folks. Being diabetic is hard, being sick is hard, having cancer is hard. Imagine a life free of those things because you PREVENTED it just by eating real food. 

The only person who can be the Expert of you, IS YOU!! All the advice that anyone gives you must be questioned and tried out on you, by you, in order to make an informed decision to decide if that was RIGHT or WRONG for YOU!! No special schooling is necessary, you don’t need a college degree or a medical degree, or a nutritional degree to eat real food and see if it works or not. Self experimentation is the only way to truly know what works FOR YOU!!

If someone tells me they CAN’T ever give up Bread or Pasta or their beloved Oatmeal, cookies, cakes and sweet stuff, and they never give a reason other than “Oh I could never do that, or eating red meat will give you cancer, or all that fat will make me fatter, or you’ll get high cholesterol eating all those eggs.” That is where the world has been fed a great big lie!! All those who still believe it (because they haven’t been convinced otherwise by trying something new) They are the ones that truly need the most help. They are in such a brainwashed state of denial that they are UNWILLING TO EVEN TRY to get past the thinking, past that “you are afraid of me being right” stage. 

I can’t means…I Certainly Am Not Trying Those words ring in my head every time I hear someone say I can’t do something.

Get past the DOGMA people. If you never attempt to live this way, you will never know if it’s right or wrong FOR YOU. Don’t just say it doesn’t work, or you could never do that, because that just means you are afraid of being wrong.

Good luck to you all. If you want something you’ve never had before, you have to do something you’ve never done before!! Take a look DEEP WITHIN yourself, and find that motivation to finally break free and never live a life of “dieting” again. I did, and it saved my life!! YOU CAN TOO!!! Take your health back into your own hands. There are plenty out there who will give you the support you need free of charge, and I’ve given you plenty of resources to get started on REAL LIFE today.

So there ya go.  The thread continued on with even more people posting how they think we’re all crazy, that because we “aren’t dietitians” we don’t know what we are talking about, and that is what is most sad.  I have more knowledge based on my own research than they will ever teach in a book, or course, can supply hundreds of medical posts, links, and studies, yet people still believe what the system of lies tells them.  The ones that have broken through and are like me and finally figured it out continue to attempt to educate, and many will never get it, but we will keep trying, we will keep posting, we will keep supplying the latest and greatest info we can find to help people finally reach that point where they WANT CHANGE, where they are tired of being sick, and diseased, and broken.  If what I posted can help just one person of the 1.5 million plus fans of that page, then it’s all worth it!! Because that person will then tell their friends, family and co-workers and the cycle shall continue!!

Take back your health!! It’s truly all we have that’s ours and what we can control!!

Every man dies.  Not every man really lives. – Braveheart

How many of you wish to “really live?”  I sure do, and I am!!!!

Make the choice to do the same!!! YOU WON’T REGRET IT!! 😉


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Big Tim’s Chipotle Hickory BBQ Sauce

Hey Journey Fans!!

As tomorrow is the 4th of July, and I’m sure many of you will be spending time with family and friends outdoors grilling some awesome meats and veggies, and I thought it was time to post my own BBQ Sauce!! I’ve played around with a few different ones from some of my friends over the past few months, and the time has come for me to create and post my own.  This came out Awesome!! It has a nice Hickory flavor, and a great bite with the Chipotle Pepper.  I will be using this quite often for Ribs, Pulled Pork, Burgers and BBQ Beef.

Big Tim’s Chipotle Hickory BBQ Sauce

3 cups Organic (or homemade) Beef stock.
2 cans 6oz each Organic Tomato Paste
1 Sweet Brown Onion
2 Tbsp Minced Garlic or 3-4 cloves chopped fine
2 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
4 Tbsp Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
3 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 Tbsp Chili Powder
2 Tbsp Raw Honey
2 Tsp Sea Salt
2 Tsp  Black Pepper
2 Tsp Chipotle Pepper
2-3 Tbsp Liquid Smoke

Take your Onion and Garlic, and throw it in your food processor/blender/Ninja/Vitamix whatever you have, and process it super fine.  When you reach your desired consistency add to stock pot.  Turn on heat and brown onion and garlic for 3-5 minutes to release the flavors.

Add all remaining ingredients to the stock pot, and stir till all incorporated.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to very low, and simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

After one hour, taste, and adjust accordingly.  If you want it thinner, add some more beef stock and simmer 15 min longer, may need extra salt, or liquid smoke, or more pepper.  Let cool, and jar it up for later use.  Store in refrigerator.

Have a safe and fun Holiday!






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Hey there Journey Family!!!

OMG, I cannot believe that it has been one year since I made the decision to stop being sick and fat and embark on living a Primal/Paleo lifestyle. I have much to reflect on and so many people to thank, and also update my progress numbers and pictures, so you can scroll down for all that stuff and just cut to the info, but I hope you read my reflection because the many people that I have come to call friends, will be all linked up along the post!

I began my journey on 4/28/11.  This after spending all day on 4/27/11 reading Mark’s Daily Apple’s site.  As you know I am a Type 2 Diabetic and was really down and stressed out and wanted so very much not to be taking drugs the rest of my life being diabetic.  The article that changed my life was Mark’s easy to read Definitive Guide to Diabetes (and you’ll understand it).  You can read that here.  After reading that article, I instantly decided that I would give up all grains/sugar/soy/processed foods and begin my new “diet” (no idea yet this would have been a lifestyle).   I had no clue other than being a former Atkins low carb person (which I had the most success with as a diet), but because I believed the conventional wisdom of so many saying it wasn’t healthy or it’ll kill you eating all that meat, I gave that up almost 7 years earlier.  Anyway, after reading the article from MDA on diabetes, and the 8 hours worth of links from all over, I was set, I would never eat grains or junk processed foods ever again!! What the hell was I thinking? No more Pizza, cakes, cookies, diet soda, splenda goodies and all that tasty stuff.  Nope I was done!! I was gung ho, and set that I would do it.  I told my wife that evening that I was going to stop eating all grains, read all this info, and I was gonna cure my diabetes doing it!! Needless to say it was a bit bumpy with my new eating way and I was a bit preachy in the beginning.  (Ok a lot a bit preachy 🙂 LOL!!)

My wife Kathy being my supportive and understanding wife of almost 20 years now, yes I know our Anniversary date (June 27 LOL!) knowing we couldn’t afford to eat both Primal/Paleo and SAD (budget wise) also would eat as close to what I did as possible.  My sons Jake & Ryan, being 15 at the time, weren’t really on board, weren’t too happy with not having their goodies, but knew that they had to eat whatever was in the house, so as the year went along, after many conversations, and some emotional ones at that, we decided that it would be up to them to make the best choices they could for themselves, and as they are not 100% we still buy a couple loaves of bread and 1 box of pasta a week, but for the most part, they all eat everything I do.  They understand the choices they make with food and when going out, they still will have bread on their burgers, or have pizza, and I am ok with that because ultimately it is my choice to eat this way, and they will figure it out for themselves some day.  Neither of them are overweight, Ryan is on the Varsity Football team and Jake goes with me to CrossFit, and Kathy works out many days a week, so they are all very health and fitness conscious and getting stronger each day!  Everyone has seen the benefits of “cleaner” eating.  Ryan just hit the 1000 club with his team workouts with a 265lb Bench Press, 215lb Power Clean, 350lb Back Squat, and a 7:06 mile run.  1 point is given for every second under a 10 minute mile.  So he earned 174 points for the mile, hitting 1004 total for the 1000lb club.  He was quite excited and his coach is as well.  Jake is also doing very well with CrossFit, he is learning all the lifts, and is strong on his own.  His body is changing and he is consistently beating the old man during the WOD’s, so I have officially relinquished my video game title to them, and while still stronger in some areas, their fitness level is far superior to the old man!! LOL!! I love you boys!! You make me so proud and I’ll keep going as long as I can to keep up with you.  I couldn’t have achieved what I have done this past year without the support and love of my family!! I love you so very much.

Those first few months, I was a sponge (still am) needing to find everything I could on this way of eating.  I read, and read, blog after blog, page after page, Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Gary Taubes, Loren Cordain, and countless other bloggers, reading reading reading.  After a couple weeks I was ALL IN.  I was still taking my 2 medications for my diabetes, but after 2 weeks my BG had already dropped 45 points!! I was getting fasting readings in the 140’s!!! I knew then I would never eat any other way again, and I stopped taking my drugs.  It all made sense!

I was a bit down because I only wished I had stuck with Atkins and then maybe I wouldn’t have ever become diabetic, but as I have learned in this life, no regrets, only choices.   We choose how we eat, we are responsible for our actions, and ultimately responsible for finding the knowledge to serve us best in this life.  My eyes had been opened, and I wanted to share it with anyone who would listen, and believe me, it wasn’t many.  I would post info on my profile on facebook, and people would tell me at work I was crazy (however I did manage to get one of my work friends to try it), and so I thought, ya know, I am going to create a page to chronicle my journey and share all the food pics/scientific/primal/paleo info I could find, and if people didn’t like what I posted on my profile, they didn’t have to like my page.  Big Tim’s Primal Journey was born 5/11/11.  On that day I also found the greatest group on Facebook.  The IPMG (International Paleo Movement Group).  I also decided to blog my journey as well, thus this site was born as well.

I quickly felt that I found nirvana!! All these paleo/primal people, led by Karen Pendergrass of Paleo Approved.   Every one sharing their stories, asking questions, sharing info, progress pictures, recipes, food porn 🙂 and wow I belonged here!  I would answer questions based on my (extensive 2 + weeks of research) LOL,  and I got to talking with Karen and we became friends, and after about a month, she saw how active I was in the group and asked me if I would help her Admin the group.  I happily accepted.  I posted my facebook page and people were coming and liking, and commenting, and after 1 month, I had almost 300 likes!! I couldn’t believe it.  People want the info I’m sharing, they like what I have to say, it’s surreal!! It’s Awesome!! I also found and friended George Bryant of Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations.  George is an active duty United States Marine sharing his love for food, cooking and now photography with his loyal followers 21,000+ now on his facebook page, and the thousands who follow his blog, and he has become one of my best paleo brothers.   We have shared recipes, collaborated on a few, and he is responsible for introducing me to Megan of MM Livestock where we get our awesome Pastured meat and BACON from!!  (More on that in a bit).   I thank you each and every day George for your service and our friendship.  You are an amazing inspiration and hell of a good guy I am proud to call a friend!

I also found James Gregory and Kristin Jekielek’s Fast  A recipe sharing site for Paleo people!! How cool was this idea?!  Wow, I uploaded several of my recipes and they would feature them as their ROD’s recipe of the day!! I thought that was the coolest thing ever!! I shared them,  blogged about them, they would share it to my page, more and more people would like my page, and it was such a network of internet sharing, I was amazed how fast things move.  James and Kristin have been such awesome supporters, and while they have gone their separate ways with James continuing to build fast paleo, and I wish both of them amazing success as you follow your dreams!!  You are my friends and we shall meet some day!

Speaking of meetings, as I said, George introduced me to Megan McDowell of MM Livestock Co.  We started chatting through facebook, and set up a meeting where I would go down and see her farm and talk about the operation of getting me some Grass Fed meat, oh yea and Bacon!! 🙂  I went down in the middle of July, and met with Megan, toured her farm, and she gave me some samples of meats and bacon, and I bought some steaks from her too.  Got home, made the steaks, and wow, really, this is what Grass Fed meat is??!! I couldn’t believe it.  It was amazing.  And the Bacon, whoa!! Nothing has ever tasted so good.  I ordered 1/4 cow from her, and I have been getting my meat from her ever since.  We have also begun talks for me to help her with her business side of it, and hopefully that will get going here soon.  She is becoming very popular, and it’s time to take it to the next level.

As I continued to share things, post results, pictures of food, more and more people liked my page, sent me friend requests, and I am proud to have so many in my “Paleo” family whom I consider friends.  Even virtually, I love you all, and thank you for your support and conversations.  You help motivate me as much as you tell me that I do the same for you.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

So….get to the point already!! RESULTS!! 🙂

After 30 days I dropped 17 lbs, dropped 65 points on my fasting morning blood glucose numbers, and I was no longer taking any meds for my diabetes!! I knew then that I could beat this disease of stupidity. (my own).  As I said earlier.  I’M ALL IN! For the first 7 months I made progress, and at month 7, I was down 50 lbs.  Wow!! This was 11/28/11.  December started off great, I dropped another 4lbs the 1st 2 weeks.  Well, I wasn’t sure how the holidays were gonna go.  I knew I wasn’t gonna eat like I did in previous years, the endless treats, cookies, chocolate, parties, alcohol, bad food, but I did attend a Christmas party and had a bit too much to drink over the weekend of the 17th and that wasn’t a good thing the next day…LOL!!  Well that kind of spiraled into the rest of the month where even though I still was eating mostly Paleo, I was a bit lax in my food choices, too much cheese & dark chocolate, along with my wife making some awesome Paleoish treats, cookies, some primalized pecan pies, lemon cheesecakes, and I even had my mom’s traditional spritz cookies (she brings me a tin every year just for me on Christmas day), so yea while I was better than any year previously, it wasn’t strict by any means.  The last 2 weeks were the start of my plateau.

My parents, my brother and sister in law came over for Christmas Dinner and it was totally Paleo.  Tri-Tip, Turkey, Bacon Wrapped Asparagus and garlic mashed sweet potatoes.  Everyone LOVED it!! No one was bloated, or over full, we took many pics, had lots of laughs, and it was just an awesome day.    But, overall for December, I gained that 4lbs I had lost in the early part of the month + 3 more by the end of the month, and saw my first regression in progress so far.  😦

In January, February, March, I kept dropping and gaining the same 10lbs over and over.  I was officially STALLED.  Many factors (EXCUSES) during that time contributed.  The first 2 weeks of March were really hectic, I wasn’t working out as much, wasn’t super strict with my food, and on March 12th  I started a Whole 30 program with my Full Force CrossFit box, and we had many interested in starting a paleo challenge, and I was strict for 2 weeks.  Dropped that stubborn 10lbs and was finally back at my 50lb point at month 7.  CrossFit has changed my body in so many ways and I thank the many awesome peeps at my box for helping me achieve amazing things!! 🙂

After 2 weeks strict, we moved on the 31st of March (not proud to say we had to short sale our house, but hey shit happens), and the stress of the move and getting everything into storage and the new place took it’s toll, and I started eating dairy again, and I had managed to stay right around the 50 down mark thru the end of March when we moved on the 31st.The first couple weeks of April, I was drinking a lot of coffee, drinking tea all day long, eating lots of cheese and dark chocolate,  and I started to itch quite a bit.  My skin on my chest area has a hive type rash and I said, I had to give up caffeine and dairy for good, (or at least for a good while) I saw George’s post on his 21 Day sugar detox results with Diane Sanfilippo’s 21 Day Sugar Detox program, and he was gonna go for a 2nd round.

Diane runs Balanced Bites, and she has given so much to this community inspiring so many with her podcasts and free info, and I wanted to do the challenge with George so last Sunday 4/22/12 I got Diane’s program read it from beginning to end, and I stopped all sugar (dark chocolate) caffeine, dairy, no cheese, no heavy cream, milk sugar is still sugar!  Well during this week I dropped another 5lbs, to get to where I am right now, and I have a ton of energy and feel great.  My rash has calmed down, but not totally gone away yet, but I see progress.  This is always an evolving process and I will continue to improve and grow and I see myself hitting my goal of 220 by my birthday in July 🙂  I am currently studying to become a Nutrition and Weight Loss Consultant, and will achieve my certifications by the end of the year, and I have so many people to thank for helping me realize that this is what I want to do in my life.  I want to help as many people as possible be the healthiest they can be.

So, I’m getting close to linking my stats, but I want to share the most awesome story of all of this.  You all have seen how my Blood Glucose numbers have dropped doing my journey, I have never really had super low morning fasting numbers right when I wake up.  I had always had the “dawn phenomenon” that many diabetics have, where most normal people their sugar is lowest as soon as you wake up.  Well for some diabetics, this isn’t the case, my BG was always higher when I first woke up.  My numbers I posted were always right before I ate my first meal which would be up to 6 or so hours after I got up.  This was always my lowest reading.  When I first got up it was always 20 to 30 points or so higher.  Strange, but true.  I actually hadn’t taken my BG for at least a month while we were moving.  I knew from previous months, I would be normal under 100 within a couple hours of eating as my readings had been good for the past 10 months or so.   Anyway, yesterday morning I said ok, If I’ve truly beaten this disease, I know my BG would have to be lower when I first got up.  So yesterday I took my reading just 30 minutes after I awoke…and what did that reading show?????? HOW DOES 83 SOUND??!!! HOLY SHIT!! I couldn’t believe it.  I had never pulled that low a number right after getting up.  I took my readings all day Saturday, and they never got over 100 all day even after eating.  97 was the highest reading of the day.  So as of now, I consider myself a former diabetic.  I have found what works, what beats this, and as my friend Steve Cooksey “The Diabetes Warrior” has done and shown on his website, it is possible to beat this disease with a Primal/Paleo lifestyle!!  I plan to set up a doctor visit after my birthday in July to get my full work up, with cholesterol numbers.  (Trust me I’m not worried!) 🙂

So are you ready yet for the numbers…and pictures yet?? Yes!!!! OK, NOPE, not yet, almost there I promise!!  I thank you so much for following along and I hope you share this with as many people as you can to find who might be interested in my story.  Nothing I can say can change everyone, but the results speak for themselves, and I know that EVERYONE would benefit from this lifestyle just by giving up Grains/Gluten/Sugar/Soy and Processed packaged junk fake food.  I close with a quote that has been passed around now for a few months since I wrote it in my 9 month post.

“The only person who can be the Expert of you, IS YOU!!  All the advice that anyone gives you must be questioned and tried out on you, by you, in order to make an informed decision to decide if that was RIGHT or WRONG for YOU!!  No special schooling is necessary, you don’t need a college degree or a medical degree, or a nutritional degree to eat real food and see if it works or not.  Self experimentation is the only way to truly know what works FOR YOU!!”


A very special thanks to the following people who inspire me every day. I am sorry that I can’t list everyone I’ve met and talked to, however you are all special, and I enjoy interacting with everyone on Facebook, the IPMG and the various groups that I belong to on Facebook.  I am lucky enough to have been in the right place and right time with this community, and as the overall movement was in it’s infancy as a “known” way of life.  Everyday I am honored to interact with so many new folks who finally found it as well curing things they never thought they could be rid of!! 🙂

“Papa Grok” Dave Parsons, Ian Lucas, Nichole Wherry, Laurie Anne Gomes-Skonieczny, Shirley McLean, Barry Cripps, Dean Dwyer, Judith Ruder, Shelly & Tim Good, Tiana & Calvin Babers, Jennifer Huda, Joe Salama, Cale Shultz, David Craig, Carol Burns, Justine Rhyne, Malika Duke, Michelle & Keith Norris, Tony Federico, Orleatha Smith, Nick Castrellon, Jenice Johnson, Sergio Ominetti, Joe Leonardi, Randy Brummit, Jack Kruse, and the over 3200+ fans who follow me on my page.  I am proud to have your support and friendship.  We are all achieving the greatest thing we have as humans…Our health!!

Eat well, sleep well, get some sun, move smart, Don’t Stress!! That’s the key to all of this!



Tim 1 Year Paleo Stats <<< Link to spreadsheet!! 🙂






1 Year Progress Pics.

Left is 4/28/11, Right is 4/28/12 🙂


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Book Review!! Make Shi(f)t Happen by Dean Dwyer

Hey Journey fans.

I was asked by my buddy Dean Dwyer if I would like to get a copy of his new book and to check it out (read it) and do a review of it.  Well yes of course I told him that I would be more than happy to digest the info, and can’t pass up the opportunity to give my opinion!!  I received my copy of Make Shi(f)t Happen last Saturday afternoon.  I sat down and read the book Monday for 3 hours straight, had to pick up the boys from school and go to CrossFit and I finished the last few pages Monday evening.

I have never read a book cover to cover in one day that I didn’t have to cram for a test on hahaha!! It is an amazing and inspiring read!

Dean is so genuine with his approach, and mind you, he is not a “weight loss expert” in the clinical sense, he is an Expert of HIM and what worked for him.  In the technical sense, given his dramatic transformation, Dean is absolutely what I would consider “An Expert” and has a bright future in this Paleo movement.  His enthusiasm throughout the book with the many other Non-food related anecdotes really make the book that much more enjoyable to read, (obviously if I finished it in less than a day!)  He is a well read individual, and through his extensive experience he conveys his message very well.  As you will see, Dean is very detail oriented, and he runs his body like a business.  This is a great idea, and one that far too many of us do not do including myself.  This is just one of the reasons that makes Dean successful in life.

The 20 Life-Changing Shifts are done in a specific order, in what I think is order of importance.  However, Shift # 20 “Do Something Seismic” is just as important as Shift # 1 “Go Paleo” because it is all encompassing, and each shift really incorporates all the other shifts making all 20 necessary to achieving the ultimate goal.

The Foreward of the book had me laughing right away.  Again, Dean is not a typical expert (which he talks about in Shift # 19 Ignore Most (But Not All) Experts), he thinks differently, and because of that, it makes him unique.  He is just telling his story, and what worked for him, and ultimately if what he did can change one person’s life by applying one, two or all 20 of the shifts to their own life, then he has again succeeded!

“Typically this section of the book is for the foreword: you know, the section where I get some big name to exaggerate how flipping’ awesome I am.” – Dean Dwyer

What a great line! He immediately goes on to say why he ditched that theory, and makes the reader feel great by not having to roll their eyes on the first page of the book!!

Dean’s humor is present in timely places throughout the book, and he is humble at the same time.

After the last Shift is presented, Shift #1 Go Paleo, (which surprisingly was the 2nd favorite part of the book) Dean presents the story of Laurie Anne, whom I happen to be friends with through Facebook, and my own journey, and have had many conversations with her through my own page and Facebook groups. Her story is equally as incredible as Dean’s and he breaks down her testimonial in an interview with her, and applies questions that make the Shifts he presented understandable and user friendly in a real world scenario, of which Laurie Anne indirectly and directly used many of the techniques Dean used in her very own Journey.   She has had an amazing transformation, and continues to lead life by example, and while her family was not on board during that interview, they currently are now and are all thriving!!  That is what true change is!!  Congrats to you Laurie Anne as well!!  You are a superstar and I am happy to call you and Dean both Friends.

At the end of the book (no I’m not spoiling anything) Dean lists an amazing bunch of references, books, blogs, podcasts, and people who have helped him succeed on his journey, and as a Paleo Blogger myself, I know just about everyone of these people and can say as Dean did, what an incredible community we truly have, and our impact on this world is changing lives daily!!

It is with great pleasure that I highly recommend everyone picking up a copy of Dean Dwyer’s MAKE SHI(F)T HAPPEN.  I wish you continued success Dean, and look forward to when we meet in person some day!!


Get the book!! 🙂 Paperback Kindle Edition

Visit Dean’s websites

Make Shift


Follow Dean on his Being Primal Facebook page

And on Twitter @beingprimal


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New And Improved Primalized Chili Recipe!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

You all know my Primalized Chili as one of my first posts I did over on in my early days of living this way.  Big Tim’s Primalized Chili

I have been making that recipe for years prior to Primal/Paleo life using beans, and just adapted it Primal/Paleo with no beans.  Well I decided to revamp the original, and wow I must say it’s better than ever. So here goes, you can scale back the amounts, for smaller batches, but here it is New and Improved Primalized Chili!

This recipe calls for 6lbs of meat!! I tried it a few weeks back using just 3lbs of stew meat, and it wasn’t thick enough came out more like a chili stew, so I added in the ground for this new and improved version, and it was the perfect chili consistency!!

3 lbs Grass Fed Stew Meat (chuck or brisket cut into bite sized chunks)
3 lbs Grass Fed Ground beef
1 white onion chopped (food processor works best)
4 tbsp of minced garlic

Brown meat, garlic & onion in a big stock pot.  Drain most of the fat (not all!! Gotta save some in there) when completely browned.

Wet Ingredients

4 CUPS of my homemade Salsa, (this is the major change that takes it over the top)
Previously I used whole tomoatoes in the food processor, but having all of the ingredients of the salsa mixed in with the chili made it more AWESOME!!

5 TBSP Worchestire Sauce (not totally paleo but necessary)

4-6 TBSP Tobasco Sauce

Dry Ingredients

7 TBSP Dark Chili Powder

1 TBSP Sea Salt

1 TBSP Black Pepper

1 TBSP Cayenne Pepper

1 TBSP Cumin

1 TBSP Paprika

2 TBSP Italian Seasoning (I use a combo that has Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Marjoram, Oregano, Basil) all together.

1 Tsp Ground Mustard

4 TBSP 100% PURE POWDERED CHOCOLATE!!! (Had seen it in other recipes, and it really mellows out the heat and acid of the tobasco flavor) Who knew??!! 🙂

Mix all of the ingredients together in with the meat.  Get it all nice and mixed in.  It will be super thick.  Add 1 to 1.5 cups of water more or less to your desired thickness, and get it boiling.  Reduce heat to low and simmer for at least 2 hours.  With the chunk meat, it does needs to cook longer for the meat to be totally tender.  I transferred it to the Grok Pot and simmered another 6 hours on low before serving!!  When done adjust accordingly to your tastes in case it needs some more salt, or heat to your liking 🙂

Serve with your favorite chili toppings…Cheese, Onions, Sour Cream, Avocado, or just eat it plain!!  Below was on top of Spaghetti Squash with some avocado and cheese!

Great left over, the longer it sits, the better it gets!! 🙂 Store up to 2 weeks in the fridge, or freeze it for longer!


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Big Tim’s Meatballs & Sauce Recipe

Hello Journey Fans,

I grew up like many of you eating oodles and oodles of noodles in the form of Spaghetti & Meatballs.  Well living a Paleo lifestyle makes pasta noodles a thing of the past.  No more Gluten or Wheat, no more carb crashes or bloating after eating way too much pasta over the years.  Ultimately it comes down to the real good parts.  The Sauce and the MEATballs!!  So here is my soon to be famous with all of you trying it and loving it as much as I do Sauce from scratch, and Meatballs.

Sauce (makes 5-6 quarts)

1 Medium White Onion
3 Heaping Tbsp Minced Garlic
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
24 Organic Roma Tomatoes
3 6oz cans Organic Tomato Paste
4 Tbsp Sea Salt
3 Tbsp Black Pepper
4 Tbsp Italian Seasoning
3 Tbsp Basil
3 Tbsp Oregano
2 Tbsp Granulated Garlic
1/2 cup Red Wine (I used Merlot) Cab will work too.
2 Tbsp Pure Cane Brown Sugar (optional)

In a large stock pot, add 1/4 cup of the olive oil and turn on heat.  Chop up onion very fine using food processor or your mad chef skills like they do on TV if you are so inclined 🙂 Food processor is faster! Throw the chopped onion, and the garlic into the pot and it should sizzle in the oil.  Sweat the onion and garlic for 2-3 minutes stirring till onion and garlic browned.  Turn off heat.

Cut off the stem end of the Roma tomatoes and toss all into food processor and process to your desired consistency.  I like a puree thinner sauce so no big tomato chunks for me.  Add tomato puree to the pot.  Next add the 3 cans of organic tomato paste to pot.  Add all seasonings, red wine & remaining 1/4 cup of EVOO to the pot.  Stir until the paste is mixed and you have a thicker sauce now.  Turn heat back on, and bring to slow boil.  As soon as you see first boil bubbles, turn heat down to low, stir and cover, and let simmer slowly for 60 minutes, checking and stirring every 20 min.

After 60 minutes, start your taste testing.  Add whatever you think it may need.  This is the time where I added the optional Brown sugar.  I always remember my grandmother adding lots of sugar to her sauce and it was always very sweet, but oh so good when I was a kid, so just adding 2 Tbsp is not much, but I can definitely tell it’s there since my sweet taste buds know how amazingly little sweetness is needed.  If you don’t want to use any sugar don’t, this is my touch to remind me of my grandmother’s great sauce 🙂 Most likely not much, but maybe some salt will need to be added, and it never hurts to add more garlic either haha!! Keep on low and let all the flavors meld, it can be cooked up to 6 hours.


Meatballs (Yields 40+ 1.3 oz meatballs)
I got 47 in this batch 

4 lbs Grass Fed Ground Beef
4 Eggs
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Granulated Garlic
Onion Powder
Italian Seasoning

In a large bowl, take the meat, each one was a 1 lb package so combine all meat together into a big ball in the bowl.  Flatten the meat into a giant hamburger patty, think big 4 lb burger! Flatten it to about 1/2 inch thick.  I have no measurements for the seasoning as I seasoned the meat just like I would a burger.  Sprinkle the Salt over the whole burger patty, then pepper, garlic, onion powder and italian seasoning.  Flip the burger patty over, and season same way on other clean side 🙂

Take your 4 eggs and beat them like you were gonna make scrambled eggs, just combine yolks and whites together.  Pour the eggs onto the meat patty in the bowl.  Get your hands in there, and mix the egg in well until all the meat is combined and the seasonings are all mixed through with the egg and meat.  It should be a little wet, but mostly not.  Now to test the mixture, take a small piece of the meat mixture, toss it in a pan flatten it and cook it for a minute on each side and taste it.  Adjust your seasoning to desired taste with your big meat mixture at this point.  Tasted awesome to me, so no extra seasoning was needed.

Now depending on how big you want your meatballs, these were small/medium sized.  To get an idea how big, take your hand and make an “OK” sign.  Pull enough meat to make a ball that size 🙂 I got 47 meatballs out of the 4 lbs of meat used.  Averages about 1.3 oz per meatball if you weighed them.  Now line 2 baking pans with foil, and drop the meatballs in the pans.  Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees, and bake the meatballs for 20-25 minutes.  These were done at 22 minutes.  You can also fry them up in a pan with some coconut oil or avocado oil, however for less mess, baking them is ideal 🙂


Finished Dish

I put 10 meatballs in a bowl, and topped with plenty of sauce, and crushed up all the meatballs and ate it like a chunky meaty italian tomato soup.  I added more sauce because it was that good, and was extremely satisfied and had no bloating or heavy feeling after being done because as we all know that doesn’t happen to us anymore not eating grains!!

The flavors of the meat and sauce together work well all by themselves, but if you wish you can top this over spaghetti squash, or any other vegetable you wish, and the sauce can be used for just about any tomato dish you like.  I have several jars left over which should keep in the refrigerator for a month or so.  It won’t last that long 🙂

Thank you for viewing, and I hope you give this a try with all of your favorite meats like beef, bison, elk, boar, venison etc.  Meatballs are quick and easy snacks if you have them leftover!

Have a great day!



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Me, 9 Months to NEW – How about YOU?

Wow!!  Tomorrow, Saturday January 28th 2012, I will have been living this lifestyle for 9 months!!  What happens in 9 months usually?  It takes that long for a human life to be born. (Yea yea technically I know it can be shorter, and was for my twin boys!!) but I digress, usually this is the normal term.

9 months, that’s a lot of processing that has to go on to become a human.  In 9 months we go from a single organism to the complex bunch of cells, nerves, tissue, bone, muscle and fat to become what we call human!!  Pretty amazing if you ask me.  The human body is the most complex and forgiving machine on the planet.  We spend years torturing it with bad food, over bearing exercise, and crazy activities that push it to the brink of breaking!!  Some are better at breaking it than others, and some while they may look fabulous on the outside, they really are not so fabulous on the inside.

It takes some longer than others to finally reach that breaking point to where they finally say “I am broken” and then make the harder decision to actually want to “heal” from the inside out.  I got to that point on 4/27/11.  So today 9 months ago, I told myself, deep down, honestly and truly, “I am BROKEN and I am sick of it, and I will do whatever I can to become a better human!”  Thankfully I found the answer and spent 8 hours that day reading and researching, and came to the conclusion that Primal/Paleo living WOULD BE THE ANSWER!! I started the way of eating the next day 4/28/11

To all of you who have yet to give this lifestyle a try and think it’s just a fad, or a gimmick, or a bunch of crazy people who think we should all live in caves if this is what we call our “diet” I say to you “WHAT ARE YOU REALLY AFRAID OF?” Are you afraid we are right? How can you argue with the many results, issues, diseases, afflictions, conditions, aches, pains, and problems that we have all lessened and even healed? That your doctor, nutritionist, or government couldn’t possibly be wrong? Could they?!!! They are the “Experts” and the “Experts” are NEVER WRONG!! The medical community has made unbelievable strides in procedures that can fix many things, and they have a place for the major things that simple diet cannot fix.  However relying on drugs to fix common issues without even exploring the possibility of maybe something you ate is causing your problem, and prescribing food first instead of the latest drug, that is where I take issue. Don’t you want your doctors to be up on ALL THE LATEST RESEARCH instead of just what they are told to tell you?  This is what always baffles me about conventional wisdom and reminds me of a famous quote from an evil man.

Joseph Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941

The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

 It has been used many times as…If you tell a lie big enough and often enough, everyone will believe it.

Well guess what!! I’m here to tell you that we have been fed the lies by the by the book, Conventional doctor/nutritionist/government in today’s definition of “healthy living.”  They are unwilling to admit their MISTAKES and the LIES that we have been told for fear of losing YOUR BUSINESS!!  That’s right, THE BUSINESS OF SICKNESS, ILLNESS AND CHRONIC PAIN!!  “They” don’t get paid if you are well!! It’s eat this low fat, low cholesterol, high carbohydrate diet to lose weight, and take this statin for your high cholesterol, this pill for your high blood pressure, or take this drug because you “can’t get it up.”  Well guess what…most everyone I speak to, have none of these problems because of living this way.  Pretty freaking amazing actually.  Check out these statistics from the start of the “low fat craze” in 1977. 

The only person who can be the Expert of you, IS YOU!!  All the advice that anyone gives you must be questioned and tried out on you, by you, in order to make an informed decision to decide if that was RIGHT or WRONG for YOU!!  No special schooling is necessary, you don’t need a college degree or a medical degree, or a nutritional degree to eat real food and see if it works or not.  Self experimentation is the only way to truly know what works FOR YOU!!

If someone tells me they CAN’T ever give up Bread or Pasta or their beloved Oatmeal, they never give a reason other than “Oh I could never do that, or eating meat will give you cancer, or all that fat will make me fatter, or you’ll get high cholesterol eating all those eggs.”  That is where the world has been fed a great big lie!!  All those who still believe it (because they haven’t been convinced otherwise by trying something new) They are the ones that truly need the most help.  They are in such a brainwashed state of denial that they are UNWILLING TO EVEN TRY to get past the thinking, past that “you are afraid of me being right” stage.  As my good friend Joanne Ellett of Bellatrix Nutrition posted one day “I can’t means…I Certainly Am Not Trying”  Those words ring in my head every time I hear someone say I can’t do something.

Get past the DOGMA people.  If you never attempt to live this way, you will never know if it’s right or wrong FOR YOU.  Don’t just say it doesn’t work, or you could never do that, because that just means you are afraid of being wrong.

One thing I have learned on this 9 month journey so far.  If you never fail, then you can never truly heal!!  IF YOU DON’T TRY IT, YOU CAN NEVER CLAIM IT DOESN’T WORK!!!  If you don’t get up after falling down, only then will you fail!!

What have you got to lose in trying something for 30 days??  Your pride?  Your stubbornness?  Stop making excuses for what you are afraid of!!  Get out of the comfort zone of your sugar processed life and learn to EAT REAL FOOD!

I heal myself on the INSIDE AND OUTSIDE with each meal, each workout, and each night’s sleep.   What are you going to do to truly “HEAL” YOU??!!

I posted a couple months back my version of “The Primal/Paleo Template in my own words”.  Check it out and begin your NEW Journey TODAY!!  Think of what you will reflect on in 9 months as a “NEW” human!!

Thanks for reading and much love to you all!!



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Hey Journey Fans,

Another month, 7 now in the books, and the ride isn’t stopping anytime soon!! Another positive month, and a couple of huge milestones hit.  1st, that 50 lbs down mark!! I have not dropped that much in a consistent time frame ever in my life of dieting, and as you know I’ve done them all!! 2nd, I put on a pair of size 36 shorts!!! Size 36, are you freaking kidding me??!! LOL!! I have not been a 36 since I was a teenager.  I am pretty darn stoked about this!!!

Here are the latest numbers. 🙂
7 Month Progress

I will not post pics again till I hit the one year mark. I am only 42 lbs from my goal weight, however since everywhere from here on down will be new territory for me, I am well within that reach in the next 5 months!! The food is the easy part now!! With the support of my wife and kids, the Paleo community and my CrossFit family I have no doubts that I will reach and most likely surpass what I thought was previously impossible!! 🙂

Thank you all for your love and support between my blog here and my facebook page!! Keep the comments and posts coming!! You motivate me more than you can possibly know!!

Have a great holiday season!! Christmas is only 27 days away!! 🙂



Filed under Blog